Frequently asked questions

What is EPIC asking for?

EPIC is inviting you to tell us about a time when working with a psychologist made a positive difference in your life, or in the life of someone you care about.

Why should I share my story?

Your story is a journey of courage and resilience. Sharing your story is a gift to others that allows them to know where to begin, and what they can hope for. You might not think your story is significant, but your story could be just what another person needs to hear. Your story could be the one that encourages a hesitant individual to begin their journey of healing. Your story might be the one that changes a future. Your story might be the one that saves a life.

Sharing your story has other benefits as well. Sharing your story can:

  • Help others break through mental health stigma.
  • Reaffirm your own gains and the strength of your journey.
  • Send a clear message to the leaders in our government that Albertans should be able to access mental health care with psychologists, in addition to accessing physical health care with their family doctors.
Can I recommend a specific therapist?

The short answer is no.

Psychologists are not permitted by their College to solicit or accept direct testimonials from their clients. Clearly, it would be awful if someone felt pressured or obligated to provide a testimonial. However, we do want others understand how psychology can change lives. To do this, we can ALL participate in supporting a mental health campaign.

We can all SPEAK UP for mental health, and the value of working with a psychologist on the road to healing.

What should I share about?

The best testimonials begin with the specific challenge you were having at the time when you began to work with a psychologist, and then describe growth, healing, solutions, outcomes, and benefits that you received.

Share from your heart, and let others know that the hard work and healing was worth it.

Think back to a time when working with a psychologist helped you to…

  • Strengthen your marriage or relationship.
  • Deal with troubling memories.
  • Reprocess a traumatic experience.
  • Manage conflict at work.
  • Sort out conflicts in your family.
  • Parent your kids.
  • Build your communication skills.
  • Journey through complicated layers of grief.
  • Keep you from hurting yourself.
  • Learn where to go next for support.
  • Get back on track at work.
  • Figure out what was holding you back.
  • Find a community of other health seekers.
  • Learn life changing skills in a group program.
  • Understand your learning patterns.
  • Understand what barriers your child was facing.
  • Provide a diagnosis for a stronger future.
  • Strengthen your ability to manage your emotions.
  • Manage your anxiety and/or depression.
  • You fill in the blank___________!
How do I provide my testimonial?

Please provide your positive psychology testimonial via the following form.

What will EPIC do with my testimonial?

EPIC will be using your stories and testimonials on this website as well as our individual agency sites. We will also use them in materials to promote the value of psychology. We will be exploring new and creative ways to share your stories of courage and healing with others in our communities.

What is in it for me?

In addition to helping reduce the stigma around accessing and receiving mental health supports, everyone who provides a positive experience story, and includes their email address, will be entered into a draw for 1 of 3 prizes as a thank you.

Grand prize: One bedroom week-long stay at Radium Hot Springs Bighorn Meadows Resort valued at over $1,600

2nd prize: Family Pass to Glow Edmonton and entertainment gift card valued at over $175

3rd prize: Hilton Hotel overnight stay in Calgary – details to be announced soon!

EPIC is inviting Albertans to SPEAK UP for mental health

This has been an incredibly tough year. Mental health issues were on the rise before COVID-19, and since the pandemic, Albertans have experienced increasing critical levels of mental health stress.

Psychologists are the experts in mental health and families. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to have worked with a therapist, know that seeing the right professional, at the right time, can make all the difference for both our current health, and our future lives as well. Unfortunately, some Albertans are uncertain about taking the next steps towards healthy emotional balance.

The most powerful encouragement for people to access mental health supports is knowing that others have done so and benefited from it. We want to encourage you to tell the story of how your life became stronger or better because of gains made through working with a psychologist. 

Speak Up For Mental Health

Albertans are sharing their stories about the positive impacts of accessing psychological services.

I suffer from anxiety in both my personal and professional life. Although my family and friends are always there to support me in any situation I face, being able to talk to my psychologist on a regular basis offers me that external resource for support and perspective. My psychologist has provided me tools and strategies to help mitigate my anxiety on a daily basis. Mental health is so important and I’m grateful for the resources of psychological services and all the mental health supports that have been available to me. By accessing these support systems I have been able to make everyday so much more enjoyable.


During my first year of university I was experiencing some severs depression to the point where I was extremely behind in all my classes because I could not get out of bed, and was having a lot of dark thoughts. I was at the absolute end of my rope, so at the encouragement of a friend I tried the affordable psychology options that were offered through my university. I could not have imagined how much access to those services would help me. I was able to have someone non-judgmental to talk about all of my problems with, someone who could help support me through some of my darkest times and could help me develop skills so I could support myself too. With the affordable services available I was able to access support throughout my entire degree. I went from struggling to get out of bed to attend class to graduating with distinction.

I sometimes still struggle with my mental health, but I have so many more tools to deal with troubles as they come up. I am so grateful for the help I received because even when things get hard, nothing feels impossible or hopeless anymore.  

Amy F. 

I was burned out and used up from my job, not caring about it or the people involved. I believed that I would not ever succeed at it. My psychologist said three words that turned me around. “You’re not broken.” I had not really heard that form anyone before. She also said I had a quirky, less common type of personality which explained much about how I understood life, my abilities, and personal interactions. That was nine years ago and I still remind myself of those three words when I am having a rough time.

Larry M. 

Thank you Sponsors

The following companies have contributed to the wonderful prizes we are able to offer those who have chosen to SPEAK Up for mental health! Thank you.